To transfer google play balance, opinion rewards or gift cards to PayPal, Paytm, PhonePe, Google Pay or any UPI ID linked bank account , you can use QxCredit :Rewards Convertor app which is available on google play store: You will get back 80% of the google play balance. App link: Follow these steps to transfer your play balance to paypal or UPI: 1) download app from play store. 2) login with your google account and phone number. 3) choose a token amount which you want to convert/transfer. 4) Enter your payout details.(UPI ID or PayPal Email) 5) wait for an acknowledgement mail form qxcredit containing information about your purchased token. 6) you will receive the amount within 3 days. 7) if you face any issues you can raise a query on website: About app: Introducing QxCredit : Rewards Converter Convert /Transfer or Exchange your Google Play Balance and opinion r
For replacing an element in a linked list first we have to find it , for that we will use a function which will do the finding part and give us the node's address (pointer) and then we will replace the value of that node by the value given by the user.
Definition of node* find_pos(int) function
node* find_pos(int val,int p){ node* cur=first; node* prev=cur; while(cur->val!=val){ prev=cur; cur=cur->next; if(cur==NULL)return NULL; } switch(p){ case 0: return cur; case 1: return cur->next; default:return prev; } }The above function keeps track of the previous node and keep traversing through the linked list until we find the value which is to be replaced, it return the previous node if value of p is -1 or returns current node if p=0 or next one if p=1.
Definition of find_replace function
void find_replace(int find,int replace){ int c=0; while(node *temp=find_pos(find,0)){ c++; temp->val=replace; } printf("%d values replaced \n",c); }This function just replace the value of the node which is returned by the find_pos(int) function.
The complete implementation of the linked list is given below along with the output.
For downloading Executable program click here :
#include <stdio.h> // #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> struct node{ int val; node* next; }*first=NULL; void insert(int val); void display(); void delete_list(node* temp=first); node* find_pos(int val,int p=-1); void find_replace(int find,int replace); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int val,val1; printf("Enter the values to be inserted in linked list press -1 to stop\n"); scanf("%d",&val); while(val!=-1){ insert(val); scanf("%d",&val); } display(); printf("Enter the value to be replaced and the replacing value\n"); scanf("%d%d",&val,&val1); find_replace(val,val1); printf("Succesfull\n"); display(); printf("\n\n De-allocating memory\n"); delete_list(); getch(); return 0; } void insert(int val){ node* n=(node*)malloc(50); n->val=val; n->next=NULL; if(first==NULL) first=n; else{ node* temp=first; while(temp->next)temp=temp->next; temp->next=n; } } void display(){ node* temp=first; if(first==NULL){printf("Empty linked list\n");return;} while(temp){ printf("%d ",temp->val); temp=temp->next; } printf("\n"); } node* find_pos(int val,int p){ node* cur=first; node* prev=cur; while(cur->val!=val){ prev=cur; cur=cur->next; if(cur==NULL)return NULL; } switch(p){ case 0: return cur; case 1: return cur->next; default:return prev; } } void find_replace(int find,int replace){ int c=0; while(node *temp=find_pos(find,0)){ c++; temp->val=replace; } printf("%d values replaced \n",c); } void delete_list(node* temp){ static int del=0; if(temp->next==NULL) {delete(temp);del++;} else{ delete_list(temp->next); delete(temp);del++; } printf("%d deleted\n",del); }
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